Myanmar Business Today

First Oil for Long-Awaited Pipeline to China Delayed Again

A long-awaited pipe­line that would al­low overseas oil to be pumped through My­anmar and into China for the first time has been de­layed again as final import licences have not been given, leaving a tanker due to deliver crude sit­ting in open waters.Keep reading ...

Government to Give Investors Equal Rights at New Industrial Zones, Satellite Townships

The government has plans to build new industrial zones and satellite townships across the country, U Kyaw Win, the minister for planning and finance, told an investment conference.Keep reading ...

Construction on Yangon-Dala Bridge to Begin in April

Construction on the Yangon-Dala cross-river bridge, which will link Yangon’s downtown area to the underdeveloped satellite town, will begin in April this year, the Ministry of Information announced last week.Keep reading ...

Changes to Fuel Policy to Level Playing Field – Minister

Myanmar is plan­ning to liberalize policy for for­eign retailors in the local fuel sales industry, the minister for finance and planning said.U Kyaw Win told a meeting of investors at Yangon’s Novotel Hotel that “one of the reasons for liberalizing the policy is that there ...

Japan Donates Boat to Serve Rakhine Route Stricken by Fatal Sinking

The Japanese gov­ernment has do­nated a boat to Ra­khine state that will serve the same route where a fatal sinking killed dozens in 2015.The boat, delivered by the Japan International Cooperation Agency, is the first if a batch of wa­tercraft that will be used for ...

Fruit and Veg Growers Call on Gov to Build Weekend Wholesale Markets in Yangon

Fruit and vegetable growers have called on the government to build weekend whole­sale markets as part of the Yangon region’s agricul­tural master plan, which was devised by the gov­ernment to boost the local agricultural industry.Keep reading ...

Factory Workers in Hlaing Tharyar Protest Halving of Thingyan Holiday

Hundreds of work­ers from facto­ries in Yangon’s Hlaing Tharyar staged protests against a govern­ment decision to halve the number of days in the an­nual Thingyan holiday.Last week, 500 workers from 15 different facto­ries held a demonstration against the government announcement that their normal 10-day Thingyan ...

Yangon Fintech Firm Launches Data Services in Bid to Modernise Microfinance

Yangon based fin­tech company ThitsaWorks has launched data manage­ment solutions for small and medium microfi­nance institutions (MFIs), as it seeks to take their op­erations out of notebooks and onto screens.The firm hopes that through its cloud and data centre services, mi­crofinance organisations will become more ...

Firm in Talks to Raise $25m for Project to Lay Fibre Optic Cables in Major Cities

FibreLink Myanmar, a firm that aims to lay fibre optic broadband cables in cities throughout the country, is in talks to raise $25 mil­lion of equity for the first stage of its investment plan.Keep reading  ...

Kachin Jade Sales Net Tax of $8.77m, a Figure Dwarfed by Black Market

Kachin state has gen­erated K12 billion, roughly $8.77 mil­lion, for state coffers from sales of jade so far this fis­cal year, the state’s chief minister has said. But that figure is minuscule com­pared to the multi-billion dollar black market thriv­ing in the region.Keep reading  ...

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