Extractive industries

Jade, drugs and GDP

Myanmar boasts of possessing precious natural resources including those that are mined, legally or otherwise, and one of these resources is jade. But there is an enormous difference between the official data and estimates provided by non-profit organisations like Global Witness. Keep reading ...

Shell May be Among Foreign Firms Looking to Open Petrol Stations in Myanmar Soon

Companies from the US, Singapore and other countries have signalled their in­terest in running petrol stations in Myanmar, a senior investment official has said, raising the pos­sibility that well-known foreign brands may soon greet motorists at the pumps.Keep reading  ...

Rakhine’s Tha Htay Chaung Hydro Dam Nearly 50 Percent Complete

Construction on the Tha Htay Chaung Hydropower Dam in Rakhine State is almost 50 percent complete, with electricity production to begin in the next few years, according to the re­gional government.The project has reached 42.74 percent complete at a cost of K17 billion, said U ...

Give back our alabaster mining sites: residents

Sakyin area residents in Madaya township, Mandalay Region, have urged the government to award more locals, and not companies, with permits for alabaster production.Keep reading ...

First Oil for Long-Awaited Pipeline to China Delayed Again

A long-awaited pipe­line that would al­low overseas oil to be pumped through My­anmar and into China for the first time has been de­layed again as final import licences have not been given, leaving a tanker due to deliver crude sit­ting in open waters.Keep reading ...

Kachin Jade Sales Net Tax of $8.77m, a Figure Dwarfed by Black Market

Kachin state has gen­erated K12 billion, roughly $8.77 mil­lion, for state coffers from sales of jade so far this fis­cal year, the state’s chief minister has said. But that figure is minuscule com­pared to the multi-billion dollar black market thriv­ing in the region.Keep reading  ...

Joint-venture between British and Myanmar firms eyes oil and gas sector

A British company has created a joint-venture with a Myanmar firm to enter the marine industry as well as oil and natural gas sector.Keep reading ...

Miners to Miss Out on Tax Exemptions Under New Investment Law

The mining sector will miss out on a number of incen­tives including special income tax exemptions under the new invest­ment law which is due to take effect next month, the Director General of the Directorate of In­vestment and Company Administration(DICA) told a press briefing. Keep reading  ...

PTTEP and Total Team Up for Oil and Gas Exploration Off Myanmar’s Southern Coast

The Thai oil and gas company PTT Exploration and Production (PTTEP) will partner with Total E&P Myanmar for an oil and gas exploration project off the southern coast of Myanmar.Keep reading ...

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