Myanmar data






Amyotha Hluttaw (Upper House), 2015 Election (Breakdown by seat)

2015 AmyoTha Hluttaw
56 seats : Military
135 seats : National League for Democracy
12 seats : Union Solidatory and Development Party
3 seats : Shan Nationalities League for Democracy
10 seats : Arakan National Party
1 seat : Ta'Arng (Palaung) National Party
1 seat : Pao National Organization
2 seats : Zomi Congress for Democracy
1 seat : Mon National Party
1 seat : National Unity Party
2 seats : Independent

Pyithu Hluttaw (Lower House), 2015 Election (Breakdown by seat)

2015 PyiThu Hluttaw
110 seats : Military
255 seats : National League for Democracy
30 seats : Union Solidatory and Development Party
12 seats : Shan Nationalities League for Democracy
12 seats : Arakan National Party
3 seats : Ta'Arng (Palaung) National Party
3 seats : Pao National Organization
2 seats : Zomi Congress for Democracy
2 seats : Lisu National Development Party
1 seat : Kachin State Democracy Party
1 seat : Wa Democratic Party
1 seat : Independent
7 seats : Cancelled

Economy and industry

* Right click to go up one level.


Literacy rate


Crude birth rate
per 1,000 population
Life expectancy at birth


Percent tree cover
Tree Cover (2000)
Tree cover gain (2001 - 2012)

Households and living

Mean household size
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