Myanmar Business Today

Tin Mining Company Accused of Polluting River Urged to Drop Defamation Charges

A tin-mining com­pany accused of polluting a river in Myanmar with toxic chemicals including arse­nic has come under fire from rights groups for su­ing a Thai journalist and his newspaper.Myanmar Pongpipat Co Ltd, a Thai company, has launched a criminal defamation suit against Pratch Rujivanarom ...

Shell May be Among Foreign Firms Looking to Open Petrol Stations in Myanmar Soon

Companies from the US, Singapore and other countries have signalled their in­terest in running petrol stations in Myanmar, a senior investment official has said, raising the pos­sibility that well-known foreign brands may soon greet motorists at the pumps.Keep reading  ...

Government Plans to Re-Float Ne Win Era Fish Delivery Service

The Yangon govern­ment plans to rein­state a frozen fish delivery service in efforts to increase the quality of pro­duce sold at local markets, said a government official.The government will establish the scheme through a private public partnership with assis­tance from the Yangon City Development Com­mittee ...

With Launch of Shwe Job App, Education on Factory Workers’ Rights Goes Digital

“Shwe Job”, a smart­phone app which aims to raises aware­ness on the rights of fac­tory workers and promote health and safety in the industrial workplace, was released on International Worker’s Day on May 1.Keep reading  ...

Rakhine’s Tha Htay Chaung Hydro Dam Nearly 50 Percent Complete

Construction on the Tha Htay Chaung Hydropower Dam in Rakhine State is almost 50 percent complete, with electricity production to begin in the next few years, according to the re­gional government.The project has reached 42.74 percent complete at a cost of K17 billion, said U ...

Rakhine State Plans to Export 10,000 Tons of Beans to India

Rakhine state plans to export 10,000 tons of Matpe beans to India in the cur­rent fiscal year, which be­gan in April.Official media reported that arrangements are underway to plant Matpe beans in the state during the coming rainy season and will export the sur­plus to ...

Myanmar to Grant Licences for More Types of Insurance ‘Soon’ as Industry Liberalises

Myanmar finance authorities have submitted a pro­posal to the government on seeking permission to grant operation of all types of insurance servic­es to the private sector.Keep reading ...

Almost 150,000 Left Myanmar to Work Abroad Last Year

More than147,000 migrant workers left Myanmar in the twelve months up to April, new figures from the labour ministry show. About 113,000 of those went to Thailand, while 25,000 sought work in Malaysia.Keep reading  ...

For the Global Economy, It Doesn’t Get Any Better Than This (It Gets Worse)

For the global economy it doesn’t get any better than this, which is a different way of saying it gets worse.While the International Monetary Fund is calling for a gentle pickup in growth next year, up one tenth of a percentage point to 3.6 percent, ...

Myanmar and S.Korean Companies to Work Together in Bid to Advance Technology

Myanmar and South Korea have signed a memorandum of under­standing (MoU) on tech­nological advice and solu­tions from the East Asian country, Myanmar News Agency reported last Fri­day.The MoU was signed be­tween the Ministry of In­dustry and the Korea In­stitute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT) in ...

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