‘Invest in Steel and Cement’ - Government Calls on Entrepreneurs to Prop Up Hungry Construction Sector

Minister for Planning and Finance U Kyaw Win has called on local entrepreneurs to invest in the cement and steel industry in efforts to meet the demand of the country’s booming construction sector.Keep reading  ...

Government to Give Investors Equal Rights at New Industrial Zones, Satellite Townships

The government has plans to build new industrial zones and satellite townships across the country, U Kyaw Win, the minister for planning and finance, told an investment conference.Keep reading ...

Government Eases Trade Restrictions

RANGOON — Burma’s government has announced a plan to ease trade restrictions on joint ventures between local business people and foreign investors, U Yan Naing Tun, director general of the Ministry of Commerce, told The Irrawaddy.Keep reading ...

Investment Law Rules and Regulations Released by March

NAYPYIDAW — Rules and regulations for the newly enacted Myanmar Investment Law will be released in three months at the earliest and by the end of March next year at the latest, according to U Maung Maung Win, deputy minister of national planning and finance.Keep ...

No need to seek approval from MIC for investment except for businesses with environmental impact

Investment businesses are no longer required to seek approval from Myanmar Investment Commission (MIC) apart from the businesses needing environmental impact assessments.Those investment businesses can apply for registration at the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA) branches in the regions and states concerned.Keep reading ...

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