Electricity production

Hydropower dams

Myanmar: More than 60,000 affected by dam collapse

The collapse of part of a dam in Myanmar has unleashed giant waves of water and forced the mass evacuation of several villages and towns. Watch this report. ...

Rakhine’s Tha Htay Chaung Hydro Dam Nearly 50 Percent Complete

Construction on the Tha Htay Chaung Hydropower Dam in Rakhine State is almost 50 percent complete, with electricity production to begin in the next few years, according to the re­gional government.The project has reached 42.74 percent complete at a cost of K17 billion, said U ...

Demand to stop dam projects

About 400 villagers gathered on the banks of the Namtu River in Hsipaw township, Shan State last week to protest the construction of a dam which they said will submerge their homes and lands.Keep reading ...

Environmental conference participants demand govt reject Myitsone dam

Angry villagers, government officials, MPs, experts, and national and international NGOs came together to denounce the troubled Myitsone dam project in Kachin State. Convened by the Myanmar Green Network, last week they spoke out in a bid to influence the commission set up by the ...

Meteorologist advises smaller alternatives to Myitsone megadam

The former director general of the meteorology and hydrology department has proposed an alternative solution to the problem of the stalled Myitsone hydropower dam. Instead of building one destructive and publically reviled mega dam, why not build four smaller hydropower projects instead, he suggested on ...

Kachin locals oppose dam in Militia-controlled area

Locals have sent an open letter to Burma’s President opposing the planned hydropower project to be built over the May Kha River and Ngaw Chan Kha Creek in Kachin State’s Chipwi and Tsawlaw townships.Keep readin ...

Chinese paper calls opposition to Myanmar dams ‘extreme’

Opposition to Chinese-invested hydropower schemes in Myanmar is being orchestrated by “extreme” groups in the country and has been extremely damaging to joint investment projects, an influential Chinese newspaper wrote on Monday. Keep reading ...

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