The Irrawaddy
Two-thirds of disabled children not enrolled in formal education
RANGOON — A joint report published by the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (Unicef) has stated that Burma’s national education law needs to be amended, as two-thirds of the country’s 232,000 disabled children do not obtain a formal education.Keep reading ...
Illegal log trade continues on Salween river

CHIANG MAI, Thailand — The 25 tons of teak logs recently seized on the Salween River in Karen State show that the illegal trade persists despite a nationwide logging ban.The teak logs were seized by an armed wing of the Karen National Union (KNU) along ...
Suu Kyi speaks at UN general assembly

Burma’s State Counselor and Minister of Foreign Affairs Daw Aung San Suu Kyi addresses the 71st United Nations General Assembly in Manhattan, New York, United States on Wednesday. NEW YORK, United States — Daw Aung San Suu Kyi made her first speech Wednesday at the UN General Assembly since forming a democratically elected ...
Endangered Irrawaddy Dolphin Population On the Rise
MANDALAY – Burma’s endangered Irrawaddy dolphin population increased this year, according to a survey by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS).Keep reading ...