
Mangrove Sites Management and Carbon Economy in Myanmar

Myanmar is home to a rich array of natural resources, with various types of forests and biological diversities found throughout the country. Forests cover about 42.92% of the country’s land area, equivalent to 29 million hectares. 1 There are seven primary types of forest found ...

Migration from Special Economic Zones in Myanmar

The UN Migration Agency defines a migrant as “any person who is moving or has moved across an international border or within a State away from his/her habitual place of residence, regardless of (1) the person’s legal status; (2) whether the movement is voluntary or ...

Special Economic Zones

A Special Economic Zone (SEZ) is an area within or across national boundaries that is administered under special rules. They come in different forms, which in Myanmar include free zones and promotion zones, as well as the potential for the creation of other types of ...

ASEAN Policy and Myanmar SEZ

Introduction The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) published a set of guidelines for member nations (which include Myanmar, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, and Lao PDR) to implement Special Economic Zones in 2016.1 The guidelines are divided into five chapters that contain eighteen different points in total.2 Generally, the ...

Legislative Framework for Special Economic Zones

The overarching legislation that is relevant to all Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in Myanmar is the 2014 Special Economic Zone Law, enacted on January 23, 2014.1 It established the entities responsible for creating and overseeing the implementation of SEZs: the Central Body, Central Working Body, and ...

Thilawa Terminal Yangon. Photo by Harry and Rowena Kennedy, Flickr, taken 13 February 2015. Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

Myanmar is in the midst of rapid economic and social change, with dramatic consequences for land tenure. In the current reform process, smallholders are reclaiming their legal land rights at the same time that foreign investment is flooding the country, placing all previous land use ...

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